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Apr 24, 2019

We watch a video entitled Evidences of the Book of Mormon: Complexity ... and we have some things to say.

Watch the video version here:

Apr 14, 2019

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. There is a reason for that order. Despite our best efforts and intentions, recycling is not the idyllic process most of us assume it is. Now that China has enacted the 'National Sword' policy, it is even more difficult to carry out. We need to be aware of what is possible for us to do, and how we...

Apr 4, 2019

Current political bulls**t, data privacy, the Facebook apocalypse, the Mormon temple in Rome, the idea of inviting Mormon missionaries to speak with us on the show, future president The Rock, and Darren pops a dad boner over fixing appliances!

Video version: